5S is a method, adapted from the Japanese, that improves organization in any workplace. The 5S methodology has been adopted by numerous companies to make things more efficient, effective and safer for their employees.
The 5S are translated from Japanese into different phases which are:
- Sort
- Set in order
- Shine
- Standardize
- Sustain
Let’s take a look at how the 5S method improves your work organization and productivity.
Get top quality, durable 5S signage to keep your work flowing smoothly. Contact us or call at (630) 289-7082.
Visual Cues
A large part of the 5S methodology relies on easy to see visual cues that guide workplace behavior. For example, a peg board with the tool shapes outlined help keep tools sorted and set in order. Meanwhile, 5S safety signs and floor markings can help increase safety and organize the flow of traffic on the work floor.
Now let’s breakdown each of the 5S’s one-by-one.
The main idea here is to eliminate obstacles, especially unnecessary objects. If a particular item is determined to be not useful, it gets a red-tag or moved to a marked red-tag area. There, someone with decision making authority can decide how to dispose of non-useful items.
Set In Order
This means putting things in their proper, useful place. This makes sure tools and equipment are easy to find and reach. This improves workflow and safety as well.
A clean workplace is a happy workplace. Everything should be orderly and clean at all times. Cleaning can also double as an inspection process, and it helps keep equipment from deteriorating. This also makes it easy to detect problems, missing items or things out of place.
This method means the same principles apply company-wide. Also, a high standard helps keep the other methods in check and working properly. This limits doubt and disorder.
A sustainable process is a process that causes no harm. It also continues on its own since it is self-intuitive. Training and audits help support sustainability and feedback helps improve the process. In order to sustain a process a measure of self-discipline is required.
The 5S method is a very practical way organizing any workplace. The end result is improved efficiency and safety. Signage is a great way to help organize and remind workers of the phases of 5S.
5S signage makes your business better. For more info contact us or call at (630) 289-7082.