Marijuana Signs: Channel Letters, Monuments, and Box Signs – Oh My!

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As of January 1, 2020, marijuana can be purchasable legally. The only places legally selling recreation marijuana at that point will be existing medical marijuana dispensaries. Sometime in the middle of the year the state will approve an unknown number of licenses for retail sellers.

Retail sellers will be looking for high traffic areas in cities and towns that haven’t prohibited the sale of marijuana within their jurisdiction. High profile sites are under consideration in the suburbs and city of Chicago. It has been rumored that one potential seller is looking at the old Apple building in Chicago. High visibility and high traffic levels are the goal for the successful retail seller.

Signage will be of the utmost importance. Signage will be critical in taking advantage of these high visibility sites. Designing, manufacturing and installing an appealing sign package will ensure the high visibility (and most likely high rent) space is utilized as best as possible from a marketing perspective.

Branding with Signs

Reverse channel letter and channel letter signs will make up the majority of signs for dispensaries. These sign provide an attractive look in both daylight and night conditions. Reverse channel letters can provide a more elegant look when called for. The wall sign you choose should contrast well against the building façade its mounted to, to provide maximum visibility in daylight conditions. When lit quality UL approved parts and LED’s will provide consistent lighting that works efficiently and has a long life.
There are other types of wall signs available, such as box signs or non lighted flat signs. These can also create an enhanced look when properly designed. It is even more important in these cases to pay attention to contrast against the façade of the building.
In the next article we will talk about monument signs and window graphics for your storefront.

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