Outdoor Business Signs In St. Charles | Mark Your Space

Every day it gets more and more difficult to stand apart from the competition. High quality lighted outdoor business signs help get you noticed. Signs that are backlit by LED lighting are especially effective. Let’s see why.

Looking for outdoor business signs in the St. Charles area? Then contact us or give us a call at (630) 289-7082.

Why LED Signs?

In the old days, lighted signs used neon tubes as a light source. Neon lighting, however, is more complicated to manufacture, and it transmits much more heat. Over the past 5-10 years, LED lighting has become a much more popular lighting option. The advantages of LED lighting over neon or traditional incandescent (light bulbs) are:

  • Much lower energy use
  • Greater reliability
  • Longer lasting
  • Easy to replace
  • Low installation costs
  • Fully programmable

LED Backlighting

Some people think that LED lighting is only for stadium screens or scrolling message signs. But you can use LED to illuminate traditional signage as well. This gives you all the advantages of LED lighting (low energy, easy installation, etc.) but with the appearance of traditional lighted signage.

Longer Lasting

LED lights are light emitting diodes. This means that they have no gases or filaments, and LED modules have no moving parts. All this makes them much more durable.

High Level Of Versatility

LED lighting is very versatile so that nearly any space or shape can be used to accommodate a lighted outdoor business sign. The reason is that LED lights are very small but emit a large amount of light. For design purposes, LED modules are superior to fluorescent lights which come in long tubes.

Getting Noticed With Less Energy Use

With a lighted exterior business sign, you can get noticed all night long with a fraction of the energy used by older lighting systems. Some estimates show up to 90 percent less energy used by LED lighting.

Environmentally Friendly

LED lights also have environmental advantages to support their use. There is no special disposal required for used LED lights. LED modules contain no harmful chemicals (such as phosphor or mercury) that might be found in other lighting sources.

Humidity Resistant

Outdoor office signs are certain to see their fair share of moisture and humidity. LED lighting is more resistant to humidity when compared to other lighting sources. In fact, some special LED lighting can even be used underwater. Your business signage won’t need that level of protection,

Call Today for a FREE Quote!  (630) 289-7082

Want to see more exterior signs?  Click HERE

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